17 | Sec et chaud (crépuscule) | Dry and hot (twilight)

10:43 PM “We question our sanity, determine we’ve gone mad, and fall into the pit of spent life. What do I want? That is the most difficult question, when really I have two very conflicting answers. One which will kill me, and at times this seems to be the most desirable.”
— Anna Westin’s Journal
(via http://sicklythin

Via Flickr:
Coucher du soleil (au vieux port de Cayenne) pendant une marée basse extrême montrant le relief tumultueux du fond marin.

Sunset (at old harbor of Cayenne) during an extreme low tide showing the tumultuous relief of the sea bed.
Grand sur fond noir | Large on black | Darkr
© Erick Loitiere | Facebook | Please don't use my pictures without my explicit permission.


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