"All my love lasted more than seven years: say, the body is renewed every seven years. It is always beautiful in the beginning. In the middle is even better. And in the end ... it depends on who is first saturated. It's always hard at the end. I've never loved someone, and I did not even "after" love. "After" is no longer the connection of the head with the body. Tad works just the head ... But still something left ... something like a scar. Not in a sad sense of the word. It remains a scar that serves us the honor. The most beautiful decoration ..."

~ Francoise Sagan - Answers

The original (Serbian) version:

Sve moje ljubavi trajale su najviše sedam godina: kažu, telo se obnavlja svakih sedam godina. Uvek je predivno u početku. U sredini je još lepše. A na kraju ... zavisi od toga ko se prvi zasiti. Uvek je teško na kraju. Nikad nisam nekog volela, a da ga nisam još i "posle" volela. "Posle" ne postoji više ona povezanost glave s telom. Tad funkcioniše samo glava... Ali ipak nešto ostaje... nešto nalik na ožiljak. Ne u tužnom smislu te reči. Ostaje ožiljak koji nam služi na čast. Najlepše odlikovanje...

Francoise Sagan - Odgovori


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